Stylized Book Final Renders
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Stylized Book Update
Greek Zeus Book
So far I am pretty happy with how my book is turning out. I had gone through some iterations and once I was able to get stamps incorporated within ZBrush I was able to get the designs that I wanted when I originally blocked out my concept in maya. I really like how the spine of the book has turned out so far and I feel like I was able to really get the look of an old pillar that would be attached to the Parthenon. When I got the pillar look done I the spine, I wanted to reuse this look for the corner pieces on the cover of the book to keep that theme going of there being stone or marble attached to the book.
This high poly version currently is extremely high in poly count and the only thing that worries me is when I go to make my low poly, that I will not be able to have enough polys to keep all of the good detail within the book.
For the stamps, I looked around google for a good black and white symbols or images that I wanted to use on this book. For the backside, I wanted to have an eagle protruding out of the cover along with either the body or head of Zeus. I managed to find a really nice and somewhat detailed images that i could use for my stamps. With all of these images, I had to take them into photoshop to make some edits and change up some of the black and whites so that when stamping in ZBrush, I would get the correct extrusions. When it came to the eternity symbol around the head, I figured I could use it on the front cover of the book as well by making some changes to the image. This enabled me to reuse one stamp for multiple purposes.
I am almost done with all of the modeling and forming of the book and I just have to create the low poly model for the baking later on and I have to get the UVs done. The UV process should be pretty simple since most of the pieces in the book don't have crazy curves or patterns. The texturing process will take me a little while since it has been quite some time since I have used substance painter but I have an idea of what I want the final textures to look like on this book.
Stylized Book Concept
Car Final
Car Progress 4
In this update, I have some changes to to body of my vehicle and I have also been able to get my tires and rims done. The body of the car had a few modifications but I mainly focused on getting the tires completed and making sure they fit well with the car.
With the boday of the car, I got the back area extruded inwards so that I can place the tail lights and the license plate in. Doing this I had to modify some of the topology in the back to make sure edge loops flowed correctly and that there weren't any problems with the flow. Also, on the back end, I was able to get the back vent in place. This vent was a little tricky and involved multiple extrusions inwards and towards the tire area. This vent is tricky since the inside faces still have some of the car body curve but curve a little inside of the car.
On the front end of the car, I was able to to the paneling of the hood to give it some more detail and make it pop out a little more. I also tweaked the headlights a little bit and put in place the headlight bezels that will cover up the seams of the glass and body of the car in this area.
When beginning with the rim of the tire, I had to look at a lot of reference of the rims for the ferrari 250 GTO and I also looked at other styles of wire rims. I decided to make rims with a mixture of other wire rims and the original ferrari rims. I kept the center part of the rim original to the ferrari which was pretty easy just included a bunch of extrusions.
Creating the spokes for the wires of the rim were the difficult part because I had to circularize a lot of faces and make sure they were lined up evenly and offsetted as well. I ran into some problems with the extrusions when doing this because there would end up being an accidental extrusion creating double edges in areas which caused a lot of problems with beveling.
Once I had fixed edge issues in the rim I was able to extrude the circularized spokes outwards to the edge part of the rim and then move different rows forward or backwards to get the intertwining look in the spokes. I left the middle part of the rim and the outer part as separate pieces because there needed to be a lot of geometry on the inner part to be able to combine the two pieces which would take up a lot of time and cause more problems down the road.
When modeling the tires, I followed a tire tutorial where you create the form of the tire first then you use that form and quad draw one row of the tire tread. After that row was created, I used the duplicate special to make many instances of the first row while rotating around the tire. After that was created, I was able to make edits across all instances to get the right spacing in the tread. Once the tread was set, All I had to do was extrude the faces outward a little bit and the tire was pretty much done.
The tutorial I followed had the tire tread and the rest of the tire as two separate pieces to prevent edge flow issues throughout the tire which I thought was interesting.
I have a few things that I still have to complete to finalize my vehicle but I am almost there. The back taillights seem simple enough to put into the back end of the car since there are only two on each side. I have to get the bezel in place on each of the windows and the door handles almost look as if they are opened by a keyhole and not a handle.
Car Progress 3
In this update, I have been trying to perfect the form of the body as best as I can. The curved nature of the front end of the car along with all of the different lights and holes have been a real challenge in trying to keep a good edge flow throughout the vehicle.
On the front end of the 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO there are 4 vents that can be open or closed. I chose to have these vents open on my model to give some more detail to the hood. These vents were not to hard to create since I just had to use a boolean difference technique. To build the vent hole I create a 2x2 plane and moved some vertices around to get a half circular shape and then I extruded out the surrounding edges on this shape backwards into the car body. Once the intersection was in the right place I used a boolean difference to create the hole.
I used the boolean difference technique a couple other times to create the other holes on the front end of the vehicle. With all of these holes created they look pretty good in the smoothed view but I still need to fence in some edges to get that nice hard edge.
On the side of my vehicle, I have been working on some of the paneling of the door to get the creases of where the door and window is placed. Also, I managed to get some of the vent holes on the front side in place after getting the paneling completed.
The images above show a top view of my vehicle currently and I am pretty happy with how it is turning out. The highlighs on the body are pretty smooth and fluid. I was able to get the middle bump on the hood curved out nicely to also give some of those highlights. The next part I need to get done on the hood is to get the paneling done to show the creases of where the hood is placed.
I feel like I am getting pretty close to finishing this car model. I just have to get some of the smaller details like the bezzels for the windows and the side mirrors. I also have to get the back lights complete and create the creases on the back of the car.
Car Progress 2
In this past week I have been searching for more reference images to be able to get the curves on the frame of my car more accurate. I found a model of a ferrari with a 360 view which enabled me to get as many reference images as I needed. Images above are a few that helped me get the shape of the vehicle and some of the harder curves put in place on the vehicle that I couldn't get when using the blueprint images.
Once I had a lot more reference images, I remade my frame and was able to keep good edge flow throughout the vehicle. I started building this frame out by using a disk and starting from the front hold of the car where the horse logo would be at. Starting here made it easier to keep a good edge flow on the front side of the car which was an area I was struggling with.
With my first car body frame, the sides were very flat and smooth but in this second iteration with more reference, I was able to get sides with proper curves. I still need to make a few edits to the midline of the car because there is a little crease on the roof once the car is mirrored. Other minor tweaks that need to be made are still on the front hood. There are some areas that need to be smoothed out a little more to prevent the bumped areas.
I still have to remove some faces on the backside of the car to create the back window and I have to build a separate piece for the hood of the car. With this body frame I feel a lot more confident to move forward and be able to create the headlights and all of the other details that this car possesses.
Car Progress
For this project we are tasked with modeling a realistic vehicle using blueprints and reference images. I have chosen to model a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO. Some of the blueprints that I have been using to create my guidelines and first body shape are shown above.
So far I have gotten a good amount of guide lines and curves laid out to build the first frame of the body of the car. I had some difficulties in creating the guide lines for the vehicle because the car does not have many linear lines but rather has a lot of curves.
I have managed to build out half of the body by using the guide lines and the blueprints and it seems like this car is coming together very nicely. I think I might have to use another camera angle along with another reference image to try and get the front part of the car correct. The side views on the blueprints make it difficult to see where the hood slopes down to the nose of the car and make it hard to show the curve that is on the hood of the car.
Other difficulties that I have run into is trying to lay out where the headlights are going to be because the glass of the headlight isn't round but rather follow the curvature of the body of the car. I think I will have to make the headlights a different piece for this car and place it after the body is complete.
Overall, I think what I have so far is a good start but I just have to make some changes to this car frame before moving forward. The most difficult part currently is getting the front part of this vehicle accurate but once completed I think this model will look great.
Car Model Concept
Lego Car Final
Lego Progress 2
In the past week, I have made some pretty good progress in creating lego the lego pieces for this assignment. With the tutorials, I have gotten up to the part where I have to create the wheel axel for the car. Once getting to this point, I started working on some of the other pieces that don't have tutorials tied to them.
The extra pieces I was able to create so far have been:
1x2 small smooth, 1x3 small smooth
1x1 small piece
half double bridge
working on 1x2 small piece with pipe
The piece that is currently giving me some difficulty is the 1x2 small piece that has the pipe connector on top. It is hard to figure out by looking at the reference image but I think I have gotten really close to completing it. I just need to look at some closer images of the actual piece to get the sizing correct for the piece.
The bridge pieces were pretty simple to create when following the tutorials. Creating the double half bridge was easy to make as well since all that I needed to do was remove the faces from one side of the half bridge and then mirror the piece over till the double bridge was created.
The other piece that I like how it turned out was the wheel and the tire. I was worried when this piece came up in the tutorial but turned out to be pretty simple to create. The only thing about this piece that worries me is the scaling. I have to wait a little bit until I create the wheel axel or the single connection piece to properly scale the wheel.
There are only a few other pieces that I need to create before I can put together the car but I think I am on track. Pieces like the wavy 1x2 and the grated pieces are the ones that I think I might have some trouble with but will get help with in class.
Lego Progress 1
For this assignment, we are tasked with creating individual lego pieces with extreme accuracy and eventually using those pieces to build a lego car. We are provided with some video tutorials to create most of the pieces that are required to build the vehicle but some of the pieces, we have to use techniques shown in the previous videos to create other pieces.

So far, I have completed about a third of the video tutorials and have 6 lego pieces completed. Some pieces like the 2x3 and 2x4 were not covered in the videos so I had to figure out how to create them by the use of the 2x2 piece. I ran into some setbacks when creating these pieces because when I tried stacking them and checking if they lined up correctly, some of the pieces were too long or didn't line up correctly. Fixing this problem too a little bit of time because I had to line up the small 1x2 piece with the 2x2 piece and move vertices around till I was able to get the correct fit and size on that piece before I could move on to fixing the bigger pieces.
The pieces that I have completed so far include:
1x1, 1x2, 1x2 small, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, and 1x2 claw.
When creating the 1x2 claw/grabber piece I ran into a little problem with some faces on the bottom inside being on top of each other and bleeding through each other. It took some time to figure out but I realised that when moving the vertices up on the normal 1x2 to create the small 1x2 piece, some of the vertices on the inside went past faces near the top creating the bleeding. I fixed this by moving one edge loop down towards the bottom of the piece so that when moving the vertices upwards, there would be no overlapping faces.
Due to being out of town this weekend for my birthday, I felt like I got set behind a little bit and intend to pick up the pace and get a lot more pieces done this week and hopefully can get started on building the car by the next blog post.
Faucet Tutorial Assignment
For this assignment, we were tasked to follow 9 short tutorial videos to recreate a realistic faucet using primitive objects. To do this, we used reference images of said faucet and measuring tools and other modeling techniques to get the shape and size as accurate as possible.
This tutorial assignment helped me better understand a lot of modeling techniques such as extruding, beveling, multi-cutting and mesh combining. I was able to learn about other techniques such as mesh conforming and using the multi-cut tool to create holes for other primitive objects to fit in. I also got better understanding of the curve tool and extruding faces based on the curve which I haven't done in a while.
Following along with the tutorials was pretty easy and everything was explained really well on what was happening and what tools where being used at that time. I did have some setbacks at times where I accidentally left the subdivision axis on the pipe connected to the base at 12 when it should have been at 8 and it was creating messy edge loops when I beveled but eventually was able to retrace my steps and fixed that. The other thing that occured on the base was one face on the back became separate from the rest of the base. This problem was fixed by deleting that singular face in the outliner and then filling the hole on the base.
Overall, I think the final product of my faucet turned out great and I thought it was cool that each individual piece could be moved around on its own. Having the ability to be able to animate this model too because of the individual moving pieces is great for any future projects. I haven't had much modeling practice in a long time and this helped refresh my memory on lots of tools and techniques. This was a great warm up to get back into modeling and I am excited for the future assignments to come.
Post 1 Past Modeling Experience
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