CAGD 230

Game Scene
Week 5

On this week I finished my entire entire building with textures and UVd all of the wall panels and roof. I think I am pretty happy with how the building turned out all together but the only thing I wish I could have fixed.I wish the corners of the building had more detail and looked like bricks but I couldn't get the separation from each brick without adding a lot more tris.

For this project our group had to try and recreate buildings from one of the three game choices. We chose to recreate buildings from Bioshock Infinite since the buildings had a very liner feel to them. With this game I had to find a specific building that I would want to build and I eventually found the building that I wanted to create. 

The image on the right was my reference where I based my building on and took a lot of ideas from.
In the end my final building design was pretty close to the reference image but I made a few of my own changes to these.

So with my work flow I wanted to get my entire building built the way I wanted it to be built before I went onto doing any UVs or texturing. I felt like the most important thing with the building was to get it the right size and under the tri poly count. UVing everything wasn't that hard with my object but the hardest part was texturing since everything was pretty much one panel and I had to get all the brick texture to line up with each other.


We had a little trouble when transporting our buildings to unity because the textures would not transfer over well so we had to reapply the textures but we were able to get all of our buildings textured and imported into unity. these are the final renders in unity of our buildings.   

Week 4
On this week I completed building my building out of the wall panels. I don't have and render from this week but I was able to get the building as proportional as I could to the size of the person.

week 3
For this week I have been working on my first level of the building and making it look as good as possible since it is going to be the part of he building that people that will be seeing the most. You can see my new entrance and widows as well as the corners of my building. Since only two sides of my building are going to be showing I am only going to need to model those two sides.

week 2
on this week I started making the wall panels out of planes and sizing them out so they look proportional to a human model. I was also planning out how big my building is going to be. After this render was taken I finished the entrance of my doorway.

week 1
In this scene I was trying to block out this building from bioshock infinite as best as I could with primitives. When I actually work on this building i will use planes and snap them together almost like lego pieces. I got most of my windows and the roof to look the way they do mainly with extrusions to the objects.
prop list:
window walls

Living Room Assignment
Week 5

For this final week I was able to finish my living room. The black and white pads on the walls are supposed to be sort of sound proof boards. I added in some ceramic bowls and vases and I modeled a couple of glass cups that I filled with water. I also textured my table by making the tops of the table glass. I imported a photo of call of duty into the TV to make it look like the Xbox is being played. I also added in some ceiling lights as my light sources. On my shelf I added in some bins and bowls stacked on each other with a unique looking vase. Finally I added some color to my stairs so they are not that plain. Overall I am very pleased with my living room and how it turned out. For future modeling projects I would spend more time on the project and focus more on it. I will also use more references and finding tutorials to make some of my objects look more realistic.

Week 4

In this scene I have added a staircase to show that this room is in a sort or basement. I have also UVd my entire couch and i added a new table in the scene. I still have a few things to do in this scene. I have to add some picture to the walls to fill them in. I have to UV my tv stand, shelf, and speakers and i still have to add some textures to some items. I also am going to add in some things to put in the shelf and some glasses on the table top.

Week 3

     Problems that I have faced is that I forgot to save some of my progress and had to redo all of the work I had done on the couch, floors and walls. Some progress that I have made was with the lighting to make the scene look better and I modeled and textured a xbox into the scene. I had also added a wood flooring texture for my floor. I still have to add some smaller objects into the scene and I will delete the table I currently have and import my table from my table couch assignment and texture that one because I think it looks a lot better and will fit my scene a lot more. 

Week 2
     In this updated version my living room scene I had finished with the detailing of my couch. I had added all of the couches cushions and I had detailed them too look like they have been sat on to make them a little more realistic. I had added two bean bag chairs that I thought turned out great. I had finished my TV stand and added drawers to it and colored them. I tried to add a unique look shelf on the right side of the wall and I added some speakers that I need to finish with the detailing. I also changed up the colors of the walls to make them look not as plain but I still have to mess with them so they are not as reflective and toyish. 
     I still have a lot that needs to be done in this scene. I have to add some things in the empty areas to fill them out and I intend to fill the shelf with items such as books or statues. I also what to add a staircase on one of the walls because I want this scene too look like it is a mancave in a basement. I will probably add some picture frames around the scene to fill up the walls or I will add some posters or art pieces. 

Week 1


For this project I have to model a living room of my own design with using some reference images for inspiration. I chose this reference image because I liked the color scheme in it and how things were laid out. In my rendered, blocked out scene, I have only a few objects to start that show a TV, coffee table, a rug, a lamp in the corner, and an L shaped sofa with some cushions on it. I intend to add a lot more to this scene such as a couple other tables, some glass objects on some shelves, a bookcase, and maybe some speakers around the scene. I also might add some gaming controllers because I want to express in this scene of a gamer that likes to play in their living room. 


     For this project, we had to model a grocery shelf that included six types of boxed food, three types of glassed jar foods, and one type of plastic jar food. I thought that this was going to be a very long and time consuming project when we were assigned it but it didn't take too long for me.
     Making the boxed items was probably the easiest part of this because I was using the same folding tricks to make the box that I used in the dinner prep assignment. With my three different jars I used the same jar model from the dinner prep assignment because that model was an ideal jar to use since most jars look very similar. And with my plastic item I did it a little late and used a jar model but changed the size and made the glass texture into a plastic texture so it didn't have the same effects from the lighting as the glass.
     The final thing that I made was the grocery shelf itself. The grocery shelf didn't take too long since I just had to make the top piece first and then duplicated many times for every other part of it. I rushed through the grocery shelf and forgot all about UVing the shelf and that's why each piece still has the normal upside down cube UV.
     Overall this was a fun assignment that tested my abilities without using the tutorials and trying to make things on my own from what I have learned.

Dinner Prep

     For  this assignment we had to create a scene that contained a box of pasta, a jar of pasta sauce, and we had to texture a wine bottle. This was not a difficult assignment since we mainly had to follow the tutorials to do it. I felt like this assignment was mainly to teach us a few tricks on making boxes and how to use the curve tool and to be able to texture items to make them more realistic. This assignment took me a little longer to complete since I forgot to save my work while I was working on it one night and basically had to restart the entire jar and texture the whole wine bottle again. I think this was a great teaching assignment and was pretty fun to do.

 Table and Couch

     For this project we had to model a table and a couch and apply texture to them. This enabled me to figure out how to use basic primitive objects to make furniture for future scenes. In this project I also learned how to bevel objects so that the corners were not sharp and pointy. The bevel tool helps make furniture a lot more realistic and pleasing to look at. In this project I followed along in class with making the table and think I was able to model a pretty realistic table. After I completed the table in class Maya crashed on me before I could save it and I had to remake the table but it didn't take me long to recreate it since I had just done it and I knew how to make it again. 
     The second thing that I had to do was create the couch and it was not that hard of a process when I created it. I did run into some problems when creating the cushions of the couch since I merged the bottom and top cushions together before UVing them and it took a lot of time to get them done. 
     I procrastinated a little with this project and it resulted in me not being able to get it all done. I was not able to get my textures onto the table and couch which makes me sad because I really wanted to see the end result of this model but I had to get it turned in on time so that I was able to get some credit for it. Since the table and couch didn't have any texture they looked like my background so I quickly changed my background and the floor so that the table and couch would stand out a lot more.


     For this assignment we had to follow the teacher's instructions and the tutorial videos with creating a realistic marker. There were some problems that I had faced when designing this marker. When I created the indentations for the cap of the marker I did not use a second extrusion to make the holes go straight back and be more squared off. I only used one extrusion and so the indentations were a little angled and didn't look like the cap in the tutorial video. Another problem that I faced was with my texturing. In my final render it did not have any of the lettering that I had put and it did not have the white box in the blue on the body of the marker. So in my end result my marker looks very plain. I also didn't angle my marker for the final render. 
      I rushed through this assignment due to my procrastination and I also did not follow the tutorial videos that would have made my final piece look a lot better. This project made me realize that making realistic objects in Maya takes a lot more time than I thought it would. 


     For our first project were tasked with making a scene of our own choice out of the primitive objects in Maya. When coming up with ideas for this scene I honestly did not know what I wanted to do until one work day in class I put a cone on top of a cylinder and to me it kind of looked like a circus tent. As I was messing around with this circus tent I applied some color to each face but offset from each other so that I had this red and white pattern going on. As I was doing this it kind of reminded me of Steven Kings "It" and then I got even more ideas that I wanted to make a creepy circus tent in the middle of a forest. 
     With this scene I also wanted it to be during night so I left the background as black even though the instructs did not want a black background. With my lighting of this scene I also made the light more of a purplish color to give it a more ominous look to it. In the scene I tried to add as many "It" references that I could so I tried to make a little body of water near the tent sort of symbolizing the first chapter of "It" when the kids had to go into a creepy sewer. I also added the red balloons which were a main thing that Pennywise the clown had. To finish off this scene I put some glowing red spheres in the entrance of the tent to make it look like Pennywise is watching you from the tent. I also added one balloon that is placed in between the eyes just to make it look a little more creepier. 
   I had a lot of fun creating this scene and letting my imagination take over with how it would turn out. I had done most of the work in this scene in class because I was getting a lot of ideas that I wanted to get done in that timeframe. 
