CAGD 112

On Edge Assignament

Original image

Final product

The objective for this assignment was to capture and create a photograph that was on the edge of the frame. I also used the rule of thirds in this assignment by placing my subject on the left side of the frame leaning against a tree. I really liked how the photo turned out after I took it because my subject could be clearly seen and draws the viewers eye as soon as they see it. I think the subject draws the viewers eye right off the bat because they are the closest thing in the photo and by where they are placed in a well lit area with shadows on both sides sort of isolating them. When I turned the original to black and white I wanted to get a little creative with it by adding the red, white, and blue colors from the sweatshirt in the original to the black and white. I thought this would help identify what my subject is with only a little bit of color in the entire photo. I used the dodge and burn tool a little bit in the final product to bring out some of the lights and darks giving it a better contrast.

Things Assignment

Original image

Final product

For this assignment it was very similar to the On Edge Assignment compositionally but our subject in this assignment had to be within three feet or closer. I didn't know what I was going to do for this assignment until I was walking back to the dorms one day and saw these poles out front and I thought that it could be a great photo for this assignment. I still followed the rule of thirds in by placing my subject on the line of the left side of the frame. This photo also has a great leading line from left to right with all the poles starting with the subject since it is in focus the most. I wanted the pole in the front to stand out and for the viewer to really see the details in it so I used a lower aperture when taking the photo which blurred out the background a little bit while making my subject the main thing in focus. I like how in the original photo the subject stood out from the other poles because of the colors and that this one pole had a strip of colored tape rapped around it. While editing this photo I wanted to play around and add color to my subject and change that color using the hue saturation tool in photoshop. I used dodge and burn too also brighten up the other poles that are in black and white because they were a little too dark and the viewer could not see as much of the details in the poles.

Panorama Assignment

For this assignment we were tasked with taking multiple photos and stitch them together to form one image stretched across a scene. This task was a little difficult for me because I did not own a tri pod and had too take the photos standing holding the camera. Without the tri pod my photo has a little bit of a tilt in it throwing the whole image off some. Another thing that didn't help with this was the sun created some vignetting in each of my photos. In photoshop I was able to take out the vignette that the sun caused while stitching the photos together. After post processing this panorama turned out pretty well. The saturation between all the colors is great and the only visible problem is the little tilt in the photo.
